Ruta Telocote Lessons

Lessons Learned from Our First Event:

Hey there, off-road enthusiasts! It's Yoco here, your trusty guide through the muddy trails and rocky roads of Twin City Off-Road. After our first event, I thought it’d be a blast to share some of the hilarious (and slightly embarrassing) lessons we learned along the way. So buckle up and get ready to laugh!

1. Navigation Apps: The Modern-Day Treasure Maps

Let’s kick things off with navigation apps. You know, those shiny little icons on your phone that promise to guide you like a wise old sage? Yeah, they’re great—until you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, with a signal weaker than my willpower in a donut shop.

Pro tip: Always download your maps for offline use! Trust me, paying a few bucks for that feature is a small price to pay for the ability to find your way back from a forest that looks suspiciously like the one in The Blair Witch Project. I use and download the whole area and I dont miss a single turn even when I am on SOS on my cell phone service bar.

2. Radios: Your Best Friends in the Wilderness

Next up, let’s talk about radios. They are critical for coordinating your team and keeping everyone sane. Before the event, we thought it’d be cool to come up with some fun codes—like “Cactus Alert!” for restroom stops and “Scenic Detour!” for those breathtaking views.

What we didn't anticipate was the sheer chaos that ensued when someone accidentally said “Cactus Alert!” while we were mid-conversation about a serious mechanical failure. Let’s just say, we had a lot of people looking for restrooms that day! So, lesson learned: have your codes ready, but maybe skip the ones that could lead to a bathroom rush during a crisis.

3. Time Checks: The Art of Synchronization

Now, onto time checks. Ever noticed how every team member has their own internal clock? One minute you’re all set to leave, and the next, someone’s still fiddling with their gear like they’re prepping for a space mission.

To avoid this madness, we decided to implement predetermined times for everything. And you know what? It worked! Less stress, fewer confused looks, and no more “Wait, what’s happening next?” moments. So, respect the time checks, folks! It’s essential for keeping the fun rolling and frustration at bay.

4. Drinking: The Fine Line Between Fun and Fumble

Finally, let’s address the elephant in the room: drinking. We all love to celebrate a successful run with a cold beverage, but let’s keep it under control! Navigating through obstacles while your mind feels like it’s swimming in a pool of margaritas? Not a great idea.

The key is moderation. A couple of drinks can make for a great time—just enough to keep you relaxed and smiling, not so much that you’re trying to steer your vehicle while simultaneously debating the merits of pineapple on pizza. Keep your mind sharp, folks! There’s a time for fun and a time for focus, and on the trails, that line can get a little blurry.

Conclusion: Embrace the Chaos

So there you have it, folks! Our first event was a whirlwind of laughs, lessons, and a few too many “Wait, what?” moments. Remember, whether you’re navigating through the woods or just trying to keep your crew together, it’s all about embracing the chaos and having fun along the way.

Until next time, keep your wheels muddy and your spirits high! Cheers! 🥳🚙


Drafting your own Operations Plan


### Off-Road Chronicles: Yoco's Jeep Journey